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Viladat: Sarkar Ka Janamdin

Viladat is celebrated as the birthday of Hazrat Saiyed Ali Mira Datar. It is celebrated on Ramzan EID's Full Moon Night from 4 A.M. onwards. Firstly, complete Mazar is washed with Rosewater ( Gusal ). Then afterwards, daily prayers & routine worship procedure is followed. Simultaneously, complete dargah is also decorated with flowers & various types of decorative props; cake is ordered. Millions of devotees from all over the world visit the Holy Shrine to actively participate in this festive event.

Hazrat Saiyed Ali Mira Datar

On this auspicious day, devotees of all religions, caste, and creed visit this Holy place with the offerings of Crown, Chaadar, Roses, etc. as per their wish and for the fulfillment of their vows. The fragrance of roses and incense greet the visitors' nostrils.

Crown for Hazrat Saiyed Ali Mira Datar

During the day, cake-cutting ceremony is also there. The cake is distributed among all the devotees & khadims. Besides this, prasad ( Niyaz ) & food ( Langar ) is also distributed on the name of Hazrat Saiyed Ali Mira Datar (R.A.). At evening, Milaad ( Moulood ) programme is also there in which devotees sing songs, receite poems & kawalis on the name of Hazrat Saiyed Ali Mira Datar (R.A.).
